Go Concepts - Functions

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Function Definition

A function declaration starts with the func keyword and it consists in a series of statements applied on a number of inputs, resulting in a number of outputs. Same inputs will always result in the same outputs. Function do not depend on a type instance's state. From this perspective, functions are conceptually different from methods.


func <name>(
    [parameter-identifier1] [type1], [parameter-identifier2] [type2], ...) [(
    <return-type1>, [return-type2], ...)] {

   // function's body

   return <return-value1>, <return-value2>

The return type declarations are optional, if the function does not return anything.

A function may return one or more results.


func add(a int, b int) (int) {
   return a + b;

Function Literals

The main() Function

Compiling an Executable

Built-in Functions

The built-in functions are available by default, without the need to import any package. They are what the specification calls pre-defined function identifiers. Their semantics depends on the arguments.

  • Length and capacity len(), cap()
  • close()
  • Allocation: new()
  • Making slices, maps and channels: make()
  • Appending to and copying slices: append(), copy()
  • Deletion of map elements delete()
  • Handling panics panic, recover
  • Manipulating complex numbers: complex, real, imag
  • Bootstrapping print, println

go Built-In Function len


Anonymous function that capture local variables.

More about closures is available here.


A method defines the behavior of a type, and it relies on the state of an instance of the type. The method will - and it is supposed to - change the state. From this point of view, the method is conceptually different from a function.

A method is always exported by the package it is enclosed in.


func <receiver> <method-name> (...) {

    // the rest of declaration is similar to a function's

Difference between Functions and Methods


Value Receivers

Pointer Receivers