Bats Concepts

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Revision as of 16:34, 3 October 2019 by Ovidiu (talk | contribs) (→‎Helpers)
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Shell scripts can be tested easier if the functionality is broken into many small, reusable and independently testable functions.

A library of such function can be tested by sourcing the library into the BATS test and run the functions as their usual calling layer would invoke them.


An individual test is placed into a @test-annotated code block.

@test "something" {

    run my-command status
    [[ ${status} -eq 0 ]]
    [[ ${output} =~ We[[:space:]]are[[:space:]]good ]]

The label that follows @test may include spaces.

Tests are executed in the order they're specified in the file.

BATS uses exec to run each @test block as a separate subprocess. This makes it possible to export environment variables and even functions in one @test without affecting the other @tests or polluting the current shell session.

Run a Command and Check the Status and Output

run ${some_command}
[[ ${status} -eq 0 ]]
[[ ${output} =~ .*Stack[[:space:]]test[[:space:]]is[[:space:]]stable[[:space:]]and[[:space:]]running* ]]


$(output) coalesce lines:

run ${some_command}
[[ ${output} =~ .*Stack[[:space:]]test[[:space:]]is[[:space:]]stable[[:space:]]and[[:space:]]running* ]]



If the BATS script includes setup() and teardown() functions, they are automatically executed by BATS before and after each test block runs.

Libraries being Tested and Helpers

Like any shell script or library, BATS test scripts can include helper libraries to share common code across tests. Libraries can be placed in the same test directory as the BATS scripts or in the test/libs directory, and loaded with the "load" function. The "load" function takes a path to a Bash file relative to the script being tested and sources that file. Files must end with the prefix .bash, but the path to the file passed to the load function can't include the prefix.