Go Slices

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A slice is a reference type that implements a dynamic array. Slices are indexable, and they have a variable length. They are always associated with an underlying array, and the slice length cannot be longer than the underlying array - but it can be shorter. The slice's capacity is equal to the length on the underlying array.

TODO Deep difference between slice and array (memory model, etc.)


A slice declaration is similar to an array's except the length is not specified. The slice is created with a zero length.

var s []int

Type inferred declaration can be performed using make().

Slice Literals

Slice Operators and Functions


<slice_identifier> := make([]<slice_element_type>, <slice_length>, <capacity>)
s := make([]int, 5)
s1 := make([]int, 5, 10)



Slice built-in functions append(), copy().