Jenkins Simple Pipeline Configuration

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"Artifact pipeline that runs tests, packages and publishes ..."

Discard old builds


This determines when, if ever, build records for this project should be discarded. Build records include the console output, archived artifacts, and any other metadata related to a particular build. Keeping fewer builds means less disk space will be used in the Build Record Root Directory, which is specified on the Configure System screen.

Strategy: Log Rotation

Max # of builds to keep: 10


Do not allow concurrent builds

Do not allow the pipeline to resume if the master restarts

GitHub project

Delivery Pipeline configuration

Pipeline speed/durability override

Preserve stashes from completed builds

Rebuild options

This project is parameterized

String Parameter

Name: branch

Default Value: develop

Description: the branch to build on

Throttle Concurrent Builds

Throttle this project alone/Throttle this project as part of one or more categories

Maximum Total Concurrent Builds


The maximum number of concurrent builds of this project (or category) to be allowed to run at any one time, across all nodes.

Maximum Concurrent Builds Per Node

Prevent multiple jobs with identical parameters from running concurrently

Throttle builds

Prepare an environment for the run

Build Triggers

Build after other projects are built

Build periodically

Build when another project is promoted

GitHub Pull Request Builder

GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling

Poll SCM

Disable this project

Quiet period

Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts)

Advanced Project Options

Display Name


Definition: Pipeline script from SCM

SCM: Git


Repository URL:


Branches to build:

Branch Specifier: $branch

Repository browser: Auto

Additional Behaviors

Script Path: infra/something.Jenkinsfile

Lightweight checkout.