Kubernetes Pod and Container Security

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TODO: https://opensource.com/business/15/3/docker-security-tuning

Containers instantiated from container images and running in pods in a Kubernetes cluster are executing by default with container image configuration - for example, the user and the group various container processes run under are by default specified with the USER directive in the container image -, in non-privileged mode and using a pre-defined set of kernel capabilities. The pod and container security contexts, described below, are a declarative method to modify all these run-time settings and get the containers to run with a different run-time configuration. As the name implies, all configuration elements controlled by security contexts are security sensitive.

Pod Security Context

Container Security Context

Pod Security Policy

A pod security policy is a cluster-level API resource that specifies required values or limits for the security-sensitive aspects for pod and container configurations, as specified by the pod and container security contexts. If those values are not present in the pod configuration the pod security policy provides default values.

Relationship with Pod Security Policy

For more details see:

Pod Security Policy Concepts

Privileges and Access Control Settings

The following sections document privileges and access control settings that can be set and modified with pod and container security policies and pod seucirty context.

Privileged Mode

Linux (Kernel) Capabilities

Also see:

Linux Capabilities



A security context defines privileges and access control settings for containers running in a pod. There is a pod-wide security context:


Each container may have its own security context definition:


The pod security context holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings, which apply to all containers in the pod. Some fields are shared with container security contexts. If the same configuration element is set in both the container security context and the pod security context, the value set in the container security context takes precedence.

Elements specific to the pod security context:

Elements specific to the container security context:

Elements shared between the pod security context and container security context: