Java 9 Modules

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A module is a group of closely related Java packages and resources, shipped together with a module descriptor file A module can be thought of as a package of Java packages. Modules are exposed to the JVM on the module path.

Module Types

System Module

A system module is a named module available with the JDK. They can be listed with java --list-modules See List Modules below.

Unnamed Module

The "unnamed" module contains code compiled without a descriptor.

Automatic Module

For JARs created before Java 9, code will get a module name derived from the JAR file name.

Module Descriptor is file that represents a module descriptor.

If code is compiled without a, the code will be part of the "unnamed" module and can see all other code in the "unnamed", java.base and modules in the root module. That means if no is present in the project, everything should still work as in Java 8. Dependencies should be put on the classpath, not on modulepath.

If the code is compiled with a, the code will become part of its own named module, and can only see code in java.base and other named modules with are referenced with requires in

Module Descriptor Elements

Module Name

The name of the module. The naming rules are similar to those that apply for packages. Does are allowed, dashes are not.


A list of other modules this module depends on.

Public Packages

A list of packages that will be accessible from the outside the module. If a package is not listed, it is by default private and it will not be accessible from outside the module. The same is true for reflection, reflection cannot be used unless the package is declared as public.

Services Offered

The definition of service implementations that can be consumed by other modules.

Services Consumed

The definition of services the module consumes.

Reflection Permissions

Explicitly allows other classes to use reflection to access private members of a package.


A module package is identical with a regular Java package. While writing a module, code is organized internally in packages just like before Java 9. Packages are used to determine what code is publicly accessible outside the module.


Each module encapsulates its resources like configuration files and media.


All the code on the modulepath lives in their own "named" modules. Named modules are only found via the modulepath.

The JRE is always on the modulepath, so its internal code cannot be accessed from code on the classpath.

Package Relationship to Modules

A package can only be accessed from one module. Hierarchical packages are treated as separate, so "java.util" and "java.util.logging" can exist in different modules. Only public fields and methods are accessible in the code of exported packages of other modules.


All the code from classpath lives together in the "unnamed" module.


List Modules

java --list-modules


  • Classpath and module path is mutually exclusive.