Java String.format()

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String arg = "blah"
String.format("%1$-50s", arg);

This formats the first argument (%1$) as a string "s", to occupy at least 50 characters (width) and it left-justifies it ("-").

For general argument types, the precision is the maximum number of characters to be written to the output.

Parameterized Width

int width=10;
String format = "%1$-" + width + "s";
String.format(format, s);

Floating Point

For the floating-point conversions 'e', 'E', and 'f' the precision is the number of digits after the decimal separator. The conversion is done with rounding:

double arg = 77.999
String.format("%1$.2f", arg);

will display "78.00"


int arg = 77
String.format("%1$3d", arg);

will display " 77"

Hexadecimal Integer