Graph Representation in Memory

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CLRS page 589, DDIA location 1392.

Graph Input Size

When it comes to graphs, the input size is given by two parameters: the number of vertices (n) and the number of edges (m).

For a connected, undirected graph with n vertices, the number of edges ranges from n - 1 and n⋅(n - 1)/2.

Adjacency Lists

CLRS page 590.

An adjacency list graph is a data structure that keeps track of vertices and edges as independent entities. The structure can be used to store both directed and undirected graphs.

In its most generic form, it has an array or a list of vertices and an array or a list of edges. These two arrays cross-reference each other. Each edge has two pointers, one for each of its vertex endpoints. For directed graphs we keep track of which one is the head and which one is the tail. Each vertex points to all of the edges of which it is a member. For directed graphs, a vertex keeps track of each of the edges it is the tail.

The space requirements for this data structure is Θ(n + m). An adjacency list representation provides a memory-efficient way of representing sparse graphs, so it is usually the method of choice. Adjacency lists are very well suited for graph search.

Adjacency Matrices

The edges of a graph are represented using a matrix. Applies to directed and undirected graphs. The matrix is denoted by A, and it is a nxn square matrix, where n is the number of vertices in the graph. The semantics is Aij=1 if and only if there's an edge between vertices i and j in the graph. It can be extended for parallel arcs and weighted graphs. For parallel arcs, Aij denotes the number of edges. For weighted graphs, Aij denotes the weight of the edge. For directed graphs, if the arc is directed from i to j, Aij=+1 and if it is directed from j to i, Aij=-1.

Space requirements: an adjacency matrix requires space quadratic in the number of vertices Θ(n2). For dense graphs this is fine but for sparse graphs, it is wasteful.

Cases when adjacency matrix representation is preferred:

  • dense graphs.
  • When we need to tell quickly if there is an edge connecting two given vertices.

More details in CLRS page 590.