Spinnaker Artifacts
Artifact Types
Bitbucket File
Docker Image
Embedded base64
GCS Object
Git Repo
GitHub File
GitLab File
Kuberenes Object
Oracle Object
S3 Object
Artifacts are external resources that can be referred from Spinnaker and deployed. Artifacts can be defined while configuring stages, such as Bake (Manifest). Artifacts can be specified in-line, in text format, within the stages themselves, or. in case they are available externally, they are accessed via artifact accounts. An artifact account is a source of artifacts for Spinnaker. Each artifact account (usually a registry or repository of some sort) must be configured in Spinnaker.
GitHub File/Directory Artifacts
Use a "github" account, when the artifact is needed.
Helm Chart Artifacts
Use a Helm repository account, when the artifact is needed.
Container Image Artifacts
S3 Artifacts
S3 artifacts can be used to trigger pipelines, or they can be declared in the artifact sections of various pipeline stages such as Deploy (Manifest) or Deploy. To be accessible in the trigger or within the pipeline, there should be an S3 "account" the S3 object should be accessible under.