Python Temporary Files and Directories

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Auto-Deleting Temporary Files and Directories

TemporaryFile, NamedTemporaryFile and TemporaryDirectory are classes that provide temporary files and directories that, in conjunction with the with reserved word, are self-deleting when we the program gets out of scope.

Auto-Deleting Temporary File

The underlying file system file will be deleted as soon as the TemporaryFile object is closed.

Auto-Deleting Temporary Directory

Temporary Files and Directories to be Deleted by the Caller

Temporary File to be Deleted by the Caller

Temporary Directory to be Deleted by the Caller

Create a named temporary file, write in it and return the name. The file is not automatically deleted after close(), the caller will need to delete it:

import tempfile
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t', delete=False) as t: