Concurrent (Parallel) Programming

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Concurrency and parallelism refer to slightly different things, but we discuss about concurrent (parallel) programming just because we some time search for "concurrent" and other times search for "parallel".

Concurrent programming (or concurrency) is the management of multiple tasks that exist, and possibly execute, at the same time. Concurrent programming includes management of task execution, communication between tasks and synchronization between tasks.

Explicitly addressing concurrency issues is software is becoming more important as Moore Law does not hold anymore. For a while, the number of transistors on the chip doubled every two years. That came with smaller transistor size, and less power consumption. The power consumption P is given by α * C * F * V2, where α is, C is, F is frequency and V is voltage differential. With smaller transistors, for same power consumption C and V are smaller, so F can go higher. However, transistors cannot get smaller under a certain threshold: noise, power leakage, etc, so the frequency cannot get higher. If the frequency goes higher, the power consumption will go beyond the capacity of the chip to dissipate power, and it will melt. The hardware designers go around this issue by packing more cores on the chip. A core is essentially sequential, so in order to use the system effectively, concurrent programming is necessary.

Implementations in programming languages:


A way to address concurrent updates of shared state in concurrent programming is to use locks. Locks are problematic because they rely of the capacity of the programer to identify problem areas that require concurrent access protection. As the complexity of the program increases, the reliance of this capacity may become problematic.

An alternative approach is to use an actor model.