Media Wiki Operations

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Get Media Wiki Version

The MediaWiki, PHP, database and extension versions can be read from a working instance from Left hand side tab Tools → Special pages → Version → Installed software.

For 1.35 onward, look up MW_VERSION in includes/Defines.php.

For older versions, look up "$wgVersion" in includes/DefaultSettings.php.


Media Wiki Installation

Back Up a Wiki

Backing Up a MediaWiki Instance

Restoring a Wiki into the Same or Newer MediaWiki Version

Restoring a Wiki into the Same or Newer MediaWiki Version

Create a User

Special pages -> Login / create account -> Create Account. Or Special:UserLogin/signup.

Get the List of All Users

Special Pages -> Users and rights -> User list. Or Special:ListUsers.

Locate the php.ini File

PHP | Locate the php.ini File

Install on Mac

