YAML in Go

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Declare a recursive structure that matches the structure of the YAML file, and then use a YAML encoder/decoder to marshall/unmarshall data in and out.

YAML support is available in the gopkg.in/yaml.v3 package.

If the structure fields are not capitalized, they are not visible across packages, and their content will zero-ed. The structure field will be accessible, but its content will be the corresponding zero value for the type.

Come up with an in-depth explanation for this.

package main

import (

// color: "blue:
// details:
//   size: 10
//   weight 2.2
//   used: true
//   options:
//     - light
//     - medium
//     - heavy

// Note: if the package name is "config", name the structure differently, config.Config does not work well
type Config struct {
	Color   string  `yaml:"color"`
	Details Details `yaml:"details"`

type Details struct {
	Size    int      `yaml:"size"`
	Weight  float64  `yaml:"weight"`
	Used    bool     `yaml:"used"`
	Options []string `yaml:"options"`

func main() {

	config := Config{
		Color: "blue",
		Details: Details{
			Size:    10,
			Weight:  2.2,
			Used:    true,
			Options: []string{"light", "medium", "heavy"},

	f, err := os.Create("/Users/ovidiu/tmp/test.yaml")
	if err != nil { ... }

	// Marshal recursive memory struct into a file

	if err := yaml.NewEncoder(f).Encode(&config); err != nil { ... }

	if err = f.Close(); err != nil { ... }
	fmt.Printf("yaml file written and closed\n")

	f, err = os.Open("/Users/ovidiu/tmp/test.yaml")
	if err != nil { ... }
	defer func() {
		if err = f.Close(); err != nil { ... }

	// Unmarshall the file into a different memory struct
	config2 := Config{}
	err = yaml.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&config2)
    // the decoder return io.EOF on an empty YAML file, even if the file contains
    // comments. We don't want to handle this as error, but as simply "empty file"
    if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
      // nothing to do, the config is empty anyway
      log.Printf("empty configuration\n")
    } else {
       // handle as error
	fmt.Printf("%+v\n", config2)

Behavior when an Entire Subtree Is Missing

If a YAML node (subtree) is missing, the corresponding struct field contains the struct zero value for the corresponding struct type, so it is safe to access it. Just be mindful you will get the zero values, recursively.