Zap Operations

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In the directory that contains go.mod:

go get -u

Typical Usage

import ""


var config zap.Config
var logger *zap.Logger
var sugaredLogger *zap.SugaredLogger
outputPath := "stderr" // ... or a local path
config = zap.NewDevelopmentConfig()
config.OutputPaths = []string{outputPath}
config.ErrorOutputPaths = []string{outputPath}
logger, err := config.Build()
if err != nil {
sugaredLogger = logger.Sugar()
logger = sugaredLogger.Desugar()

Disable Stack Trace Rendering

Stack trace on Warning is probably not necessary. However, this disable stack trace rendering altogether:

var config zap.Config
config = zap.NewDevelopmentConfig()
config.DisableStacktrace = true

Changing Log Level Dynamically

Create the logger instance with an external zap.AtomicLevel instance. Updating the level on that instance updates it dynamically for the logger:

atomicLevel := zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zap.DebugLevel)
var config zap.Config
config = zap.NewDevelopmentConfig()
config.Level = atomicLevel // use the instance, updating the level on that instance will dynamically update the logging level
logger, err := config.Build()

// this changes the logging level dynamically