Go Package fmt

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A format string, or a template, is text interspersed with conversion characters.

Conversion Characters

The conversion characters are also known as placeholders.


Render the value as string in the default format.

"%v" and fmt.Errorf() is typically used in the error handling idiom that involves error annotation.


When printing structs, the plus flag %+v adds field names.


A Go-syntax representation of the value.

%#v can be used to show that an error instance returned by errors.New("something") is a pointer:



A Go-syntax representation of the type of the value.


A literal percent sign. Consumes no value.


color := "blue"
fmt.Printf("The color is %s\n", color)


size := 1
fmt.Printf("The size is %d\n", size)


c := 'x'
fmt.Printf("The character is %c\n", c)


b := true
fmt.Printf("The boolean value is %t\n", b)

Floating Point Numbers


Decimalless scientific notation with exponent a power of two, in the manner of strconv.FormatFloat with the 'b' format, e.g. -123456p-78


Scientific notation, e.g. -1.234456e+78


Scientific notation, e.g. -1.234456E+78


Decimal point but no exponent, e.g. 123.456

f := 1.0
fmt.Printf("The floating point value is %f\n", f)

Limit the number of decimals:

fmt.Printf("The floating point value is %.2f\n", f)

If the number of decimals comes as a variable, see Dynamic Format Strings.


Synonym for %f.


%e for large exponents, %f otherwise.


%E for large exponents, %F otherwise


Hexadecimal notation (with decimal power of two exponent), e.g. -0x1.23abcp+20


Upper-case hexadecimal notation, e.g. -0X1.23ABCP+20


Used with fmt.Errorf() to wrap errors.


Pointers in Go | Displaying Pointers


Go Structs | Printing Structs


Leading Zero Padding for Integers

i := 7
s := fmt.Sprintf("%06d", i) // will produce "000007" (five zeroes)

If the number of padding characters comes as a variable, see Dynamic Format Strings.

Leading Space Padding for Integer

i := 7
s := fmt.Sprintf("%6d", i) // will produce "     7" (five spaces)

If the number of padding characters comes as a variable, see Dynamic Format Strings.

String Padding


fmt.Sprintf("%10s", "test")


fmt.Sprintf("%-10s", "test")

Padding quantity specified as parameter of the function:

fmt.Sprintf("%*s", 10, "test")

Dynamic Format Strings

If the number of padding characters or other configurable value in the format string comes as a variable, the format string can be built dynamically as follows and then used in a fmt.Printf() function:

zeroPaddingCount := 4
formatString := fmt.Sprintf("%%0%dd", zeroPaddingCount)

i := 1
fmt.Printf(formatString, i) // will print 0001



Format a string and returns it as a result:

message := fmt.Sprintf("Hi, %v. Welcome!", name)

For more details on the format string, see:

Printf() Format String

Printf(), Println()

Printing to stdout and stderr

Scanf(), Scanln()

Handling stdin in Go


Go Language Error Handling



type Stringer interface {
  String() string

Stringer is implemented by any type that has a String() method, which defines the "native" format for that value. The String() method is used to print values passed as an operand to any format that accepts a string or to an unformatted printer such as Print. For a usage example, see:

The Equivalent of Java toString() in Go