Dynatrace Concepts

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System Profile

A System Profile is the "workspace" where you administer a certain application environment. A System Profile contains all configuration settings that belong to a certain set of AppMon Agents. More details: https://community.dynatrace.com/community/display/DOCDT65/System+Profile


A session is a set of diagnosis data related to a specific System Profile.

Application Monitoring


Measurement Frequency

How is that read and configured?

Measurement Storage

How is that stored?


Events captured for a Measure are aggregated into a measurement per 10 seconds interval. Each measurement can be aggregated as follows:

  • average - average of all event values per interval
  • minimum - retain the minimum encountered value per interval
  • maximum - retain the maximum encountered value per interval
  • count - retain the event count per interval.
  • sum - calculate the sum of all event values per interval.

This is an example of how aggregation can be configured for a JMX measure.



A dashboard is a UI element that permits aggregation of diagnostic data of of different kinds.

Dynatrace provides rich client and web dashboards.


Chart Dashlet

Chart Resolution

The resolution dictates how a chart represents detailed data. The maximum resolution for live data is 10 seconds.

JMX Support

Dynatrace and JMX


A sensor is a piece of code that is injected into the monitored applications at certain points to extract the relevant data.

Other Definitions

  • PMI - Performance Monitoring Infrastructure