Customize WildFly Startup Wrapper

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This procedure is used for both System V and systemd, as both systems use the same wrapper scripts. For context, see Start WildFly as a System V Service on Linux and Start WildFly as a systemd Service on Linux.

Customize the Wrapper

Domain Controller High Availability Considerations

If you're building a host controller that is expected to fail over among multiple HA domain controllers, increase the STARTUP_WAIT (see HA Domain Controller Failover Process for details).

Backup Domain Controller Considerations

If you're building a backup domain controller you will need to add this into jboss-host-controller}:


and then add this to the start line:

  local backup_option
  ${JBOSS_BACKUP_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER} && backup_option="--backup"

  if [ ! -z "$JBOSS_USER" ]; then
    if [ -r /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions ]; then
      daemon  [...] --host-config=$JBOSS_HOST_CONFIG ${backup_option} [...]
      su [...] --host-config=$JBOSS_HOST_CONFIG ${backup_option}" [...] 


If you deleted domain.xml, you will also need to set:


but this is undocumented, so it's probably best NOT to remove domain.xml and leave JBOSS_DOMAIN_CONFIG definition in jboss-host-controller alone.


Adjust permissions so the init system can execute the scripts.

chmod a+rx ./jboss
chmod a+rx ./jboss-host-controller