Configuring a Remote HornetQ JMS Server as a Resource Adapter

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This article describes the configuration required to make a cluster of two HornetQ-based JMS nodes, running as messaging subsystems within EAP 6.4 instances, accessible to a third JBoss EAP 6.4. The cluster will be deployed as resource adapter within the third JBoss instance, and thus available to the MDBs deployed on that JBoss instance.

The procedure consists in declaring netty connections from the resource adapter node to the HornetQ nodes and using those connections from a pooled connection which exposes the remote cluster as a resource adapter.


Declare the Outbound Socket Bindings

Declare the outbound socket bindings corresponding to the HornetQ nodes. Note that the configuration shown below implies that the HornetQ node 1 runs with a port offset of 100, and HornetQ node 2 runs with a port offset of 200.

<outbound-socket-binding name="remote-hornetq-node-1-socket-binding">
    <remote-destination host="${}" 
<outbound-socket-binding name="remote-hornetq-node-2-socket-binding">
    <remote-destination host="${remote.hornetq.node.two.address:}"

Declare the Netty Connectors

Declare the netty connectors corresponding to the HornetQ nodes in the messaging subsystem configuration.

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:messaging:...">
            <netty-connector name="remote-hornetq-node-1-connection" 
            <netty-connector name="remote-hornetq-node-2-connection" 


Declare the Resource Adapter

Declare the resource adapter that will balance among the HornetQ nodes. It is declared as a pooled connection factory. The semantics of the system properties used in declaration is explained below.

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:messaging:...">
            <pooled-connection-factory name="hornetq-remote-ra">
                <transaction mode="xa"/>  
                    <connector-ref connector-name="remote-hornetq-node-1-connection"/>  
                    <connector-ref connector-name="remote-hornetq-node-2-connection"/>  
                    <entry name="java:/RemoteJmsXA"/>  

The above declaration refers to a series of system properties, which must be set appropriately and are explained in the next section.

Note that "" and "" are not necessary if remoting security is disabled.

System Properties

    <property name="" value=""/>
    <property name="" value="5545"/>
    <property name="" value="4547"/>
    <property name="remote.hornetq.node.two.address" value=""/>
    <property name="remote.hornetq.node.two.hornetq.port" value="5645"/>
    <property name="remote.hornetq.node.two.remoting.port" value="4647"/>
  • "" the address of the first HornetQ node.
  • "" the netty connector port of the first HornetQ node.
  • "" the remoting port of the first HornetQ node. The default value is 4447 and if the node runs with an offset of 100, the value should be 4547.
  • "remote.hornetq.node.two.address" the address of the second HornetQ node.
  • "remote.hornetq.node.two.hornetq.port" the netty connector port of the second HornetQ node.
  • "remote.hornetq.node.two.remoting.port" the remoting port of the second HornetQ node. The default value is 4447 and if the node runs with an offset of 200, the value should be 4647.
  • ""/"remoting.password" the remoting credentials. Remoting can be configured to allow unauthenticated access as described here: "Disabling Remoting Authentication".
  • ""/"jms.password" credentials required to create JMS connections. HornetQ can be configured to allow anonymous connections, as described here: "HornetQ Configuration - Disabling Security"

Configure the MDB to Use the Remote JMS Server Resource Adapter


For more details about the @ResourceAdapter annotation see:

MDB - @ResourceAdapter

Activation Configuration

@MessageDriven(activationConfig = {
    @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destinationType", propertyValue = "javax.jms.Queue"),  
    @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destination", propertyValue = "${}"),  
    @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "useJNDI",propertyValue = "true")  
mappedName = "${hornetq.inf.queue.long}")  

Enable Property Substitution

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:ee:1.2">

For more details on ee subsystem configuration see

ee Subsystem Configuration

If the MDB Needs to Send Messages to Remote Destinations

Declare an External JNDI Context