OpenShift Concepts TODEPLETE

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OpenShift is supported anywhere RHEL is: bare metal, virtualized infrastructure (Red Hat Virtualization, vSphere, Hyper-V), OpenStack platform, public cloud providers (Amazon, Google, Azure). It runs on RHEL and Red Hat Atomic.

OpenShift Hosts


A master is a RHEL or Red Hat Atomic host that orchestrates and schedules resources. It maintains the state of the OpenShift environment. Multiple masters can be present to insure HA.

The master provides the single API all tooling clients must interact with.

The access is protected via fine-grained role-based access control (RBAC).

The master monitors application health via user-defined pod probes. It handles restarting pods that failed probes automatically. Pods that fail too often are marked as "failing" and are temporarily not restarted. The OpenShift service layer sends traffic only to healthy pods.


A node is a RHEL or Red Hat Atomic Host where applications run inside containers. Nodes are orchestrated by masters. The node daemon runs on node.


All application instances run inside containers on the nodes. For more details, see Docker Containers.

The node Daemon


Kubernetes Pods

Pod Probe

Users can configure pod probes for liveness or readiness.



Kubernetes Volume


Kubernetes etcd


Kubernetes Scheduler

Docker Registry

OpenShift contains an integrated Docker registry. Users push images into registry and whenever a new image is stored in the registry, the registry notifies OpenShift about it and passes along image information such as the namespace, the name and the image metadata.


Kubernetes Service

Routing Layer

The routing layer cooperates with the service layer. It runs in pods and it provides automated load balancing to pods, and routing around unhealthy pods. The routing layer is pluggable and extensible.


Kubernetes API


Kubernetes Label


Kubernetes Selector

Replication Controller

Kubernetes Replication Controller



The router component routes external requests to applications inside the OpenShift environment. The router is the ingress point for all traffic destined for OpenShift services. Runs in a container.


A route is a way to expose a service by giving it an externally reachable hostname. A route is a mapping of an FQDN and path to the endpoints of a service. Each route consist of a route name, a service selector and an optional security configuration.


Projects allows groups of users to work together, define ownership of resources and manage resources. The project restricts and tracks use of resources with quotas and limits. A project is a Kubernetes namespace with additional annotations.

Kubernetes Namespaces

A project lets a community of users to organize and manage their content in isolation from other communities.

Each project has its own set of:


The objects include pods, services, replication controllers, etc.

User Accounts

Are created upon login or via the API and represented with the User object.

System Users

These users are created automatically when the infrastructure is defined, for the purpose of enabling the infrastructure to interact with the API securely. The cluster administrator has access to everything.

Service Accounts

Non-human users that act automatically with designated access to objects in their projects or other projects.





Constraints are quotas for each kind of object that can be limited.


  • cpu, requests.cpu
  • memory, requests.memory
  • limits.cpu
  • memory.cpu
  • pods
  • replicationcontrollers
  • resourcequotas
  • services
  • secrets
  • configmaps
  • persistentvolumeclaims

Resource Quota

ResourceQuota object enumerates hard resource usage limits per project.

ClusterResourceQuotaobject enumerates hard resource usage limits across the cluster.



A template describes a set of objects that can be parameterized and processed to produce a list of objects for creation in OpenShift.


Deployments allow rollbacks to previous versions of an application.

Deployment Configuration

A deployment configuration is a user-defined template for running applications.

The OpenShift environment creates a replication controller to run the application in response to a deployment configuration. The deployment configuration contains a version number that is incremented each time a replication controller is created from the configuration.

Support automatic rolling back to the last successful revision of configuration, in case the current template fails to deploy.

Deployment Strategy

The deployment configuration defines a deployment strategy. The deployment strategy determines the deployment process. It uses readiness checks to determine if a new host is ready for use. If the readiness check fails, the deployment configuration retries until it times out.

Rolling Deployment Strategy

The default deployment strategy. It performs rolling updates. It supports life-cycle hooks for injecting code into the deployment process.

It consists in the following steps:

  • Execute the "pre" life-cycle hook.
  • Scale up new deployment by one or more pods, based on maxSurge value.
  • Wait for readiness checks to complete.
  • Scale down the old deployment by one or more pods, based on maxUnavailable value.
  • Repeat scaling until the new deployment reaches desired replica count and the old deployment has scaled to zero.
  • Execute any "post" life-cycle hook.

Recreate Deployment Strategy

It consists in the following steps:

  • Execute "pre" life-cycle hook.
  • Scale own previous deployment to zero.
  • Scale up new deployment.
  • Execute "post" life-cycle hook.

Custom Deployment Strategy

CICD Support

OpenShift enables DevOps. It has built-in support for the Jenkins CI server, providing a native way of doing CICD.

OpenShift can integrate with Git-based source code repositories. When a developer pushes code to the GIt repository, Jenkins pulls the code and performs a project build. After the build is complete, Jenkins invokes the OpenShift master node API to initiate a "source-to-image" (SI) build. As part of the SI process, the latest project artifact is downloaded from Jenkins and included in the image that runs in the OpenShift node.

Source-to-Image (SI)