VMWare Fusion Networking Concepts

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Network Topology

VMware Fusion offers by default two choices of subnets:

  1. vmnet8 - a host-based network with a DHCP server and external NAT access.
  2. vmnet1 - a internal host-based network with a DHCP server, without external NAT access.

Both subnets allow guests to be directly routed into from the host processes.

In both subnets, guests are dynamically configured with DHCP by default, but they can be statically configured.

For vmnet8 the static configuration range is - ( is the host interface, and is the NAT server).

For vmnet1 the static configuration range is - ( is the host interface).

For details on configuration see

VMware Fusion Networking Configuration

In the default configuration, the VMs get the IP address for their network interface over DHCP, which can be configured in /Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/vmnet8/dhcpd.conf. Fusion performs the NAT so the VMs can access the host's gateway.

This is the procedure to configure the DHCP server to serve a static address:

Configure DHCP to Serve a Static Address

Networking CLI Tool

/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library/vmnet-cli