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Provides novaordis-jmx.jar, which is a library, and a command line utility that can be used to explore a remote JMX bus.

cljmx localhost:4447

The current version (1.1.x) is built by declaring a static dependency of a specific JBoss version at compile time and embedding the dependencies within the artifact.


Accessing WildFly JMX Bus Remotely with novaordis-jmx

Accessing WildFly JMX Bus Remotely with novaordis-imx

cljmx User Manual

cljmx localhost:9999

> help

A command line JMX browser. Use it to navigate the MBeanServer domain/MBean hierarchy as you
would navigate a filesystem.


   cd - navigate to a domain or MBean

   ls - list the content of a domain or an MBean

   pwd - show the location in the hierarchy