OpenShift 3.6 Generic Guest Template

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Clone the Basic Template

Use the basic template as a base image, and clone it, as described here:

Cloning a Guest

The particular sequence follows:

virsh shutdown ocp36.basic-template
virsh dumpxml ocp36.basic-template > /root/environments/ocp36/ocp36.basic-template.xml

cp ocp36.basic-template.xml ocp36.generic-template.xml

Adjust the configuration as described here.

Clone the virtual machine image and create the new disk volumes, as described in Cloning a Guest.

virsh define /root/environments/ocp36/ocp36.generic-template.xml
virsh start --console ocp36.generic-template

Then reconfigure Linux VM Guest Image.

Install OpenShift Binaries

Attach the Node to the OpenShift Subscription

The node, being based on the basic template, should have been already registered with the subscription manager:

subscription-manager status
subscription-manager identity

Attach the node to the subscription, using subscription manager, as described here: registering a RHEL System with subscription manager. The support node(s) need only a Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The OpenShift nodes need an OpenShift subscription. For OpenShift, follow these steps:

The the summary of the sequence of steps is available below - the goal of these steps is to configure the following supported repositories on the system: "rhel-7-server-rpms", "rhel-7-server-extras-rpms", "rhel-7-server-ose-3.5-rpms", "rhel-7-fast-datapath-rpms":

subscription-manager register
subscription-manager list --available --matches '*OpenShift*'
subscription-manager attach --pool=<pool-id> --quantity=1
subscription-manager repos --disable="*"
subscription-manager repos --list-enabled
yum repolist
yum-config-manager --disable <repo_id>
subscription-manager repos --enable="rhel-7-server-rpms" --enable="rhel-7-server-extras-rpms" --enable="rhel-7-server-ose-3.5-rpms" --enable="rhel-7-fast-datapath-rpms"
subscription-manager repos --list-enabled
yum repolist
yum update -y
yum install atomic-openshift-utils