OpenShift Network Operations

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Information about the Network Plugin and the Network Status

oc get clusternetwork

Information about Virtual Networks Assigned to Each Project

Displays the Virtual Network ID (VNID) assigned to each project. It only makes sense for an ovs-multitenant SDN plugin.

oc get netnamespaces
NAME               NETID
default            0
kube-system        11092823
logging            6208947
management-infra   5562275
openshift          8714409
openshift-infra    13183382
pizzaparty-dev     5721085
playground         7804116

For a specific project name:

oc get netnamespaces <project-name>

Pod Network Management

Isolating Projects

oadm pod-network isolate-projects <project-1> <project-2> ...

As result of executing the command, all pods and services in project-1 and project-2 cannot access any pods and services from other non-global projects in the cluster and vice-versa.

Joining Projects

Allow project project2 to use project's project1 network:

oadm pod-network join-projects --to=<project-1-name> <project-2-name>

Making Projects Global

oadm pod-network make-projects-global <project-1-name> <project-2-name> ...

As result of executing the command, all pods and services in project-1 and project-2 can now access any pods and services from other non-global projects in the cluster and vice-versa, becoming global projects. The command performs a PUT https://master/oapi/v1/netnamespaces/<project-name> setting the "" annotation, which in fact sets the project's VIND to 0.

Route Operations

Route Information

oc get route 
oc edit route nexus

Expose a Service

oc expose service <service-name> []

Specifying Termination Policy

In some cases, services were not publicly exposed because their route did not have a termination policy. To add a termination policy:

oc edit route <route-name>

and then

    insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: Redirect
    termination: edge

Port Forwarding

oc port-forward -p <pod-name> -p <app-name> localPort:8787