OpenShift Gogs Configuration
Configuration File Location
OpenShift Gogs container gets its configuration from an "app.ini" file that is written on a persistent volume associated with a "cicd/gogs-config" claim. Once the external volume is identified, the configuration file is "app.ini" in the root of the volume.
Configure a Webhook
Repository -> Settings -> Webhooks -> Add Webhook
Payload URL: https://openshift.default.svc.cluster.local/oapi/v1/namespaces/<project-name>/buildconfigs/<buildconfig-name>/webhooks/generic
Content Type: application/json
When should this webhook be triggered: Let me choose what I need -> Push
Wehook Target Does Not Have a Valid SSL Certificate
When this happens, the webhook delivery attempt produces :
Delivery: Post https://openshift.default.svc.cluster.local/oapi/v1/namespaces/novaordis-dev/buildconfigs/novaordis-session-servlet/webhooks/generic: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Turn Off TLS Verification when Sending Webhook
Locate the OpenShift Gogs configuration file and add the following at the bottom of it:
[webhook] SKIP_TLS_VERIFY = true
Restart the container. Once the container stabilizes, the following setting should show "on": Verify with: Admin Panel -> Configuration -> Webhook Configuration -> Skip TLS Verify.