WildFly Security Concepts
- EAP 6.4 August 2015
Security Realms
The Security Subsystem
Relationship between a Security Realm and a Security Domain
Subordinated Host Controller Identity
Subordinated host controllers must authenticate against the domain controller's Management Realm in order to be able to interact with it. The host controller identity is associated to a domain controller's Management Realm user whose name is identical with the host controller's host name (the <host name="..."> element in the host controller's host.xml.
From the domain controller's perspective, the host controller identity is established by adding a regular Management Realm user. This is done with the add-user.sh utility, as described here:
A Management Realm user authenticates with a regular password, so the host controllers will also have to use the same mechanism - password - to authenticate. The password is is known as server identity secret on the host controller, and it is specified in its host.xml:
<host name="..." ...> <management> <security-realms> <security-realm name="ManagementRealm"> ... <server-identities> <secret value="bjFfMTIz"/> </server-identities> </security-realm> ... </host>
The secret maintained in the <server-identities> section of host.xml is the hashed value of the domain controller Management Realm user's password. Given the password value, the secret value can be calculated as follows:
echo -n "myPassword" | openssl enc -base64
Otherwise, the secret's value is displayed during the process of adding the user to the Management Realm on the domain controller (as described here: Adding a User to the Management Realm). The value displayed by add-user.sh is identical with the one calculated by openssl enc -base64. They can be used interchangeably.
Secret Value
The "secret value" generated by the procedure described above is actually the "openssl enc -base64" of the password.
echo -n "myPassword" | openssl enc -base64