VMware Fusion Virtual Machine Provisioning

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Virtual Machine Library -> + (Add) -> New -> Create a custom virtual machine.

Depending on the type of OS, choose:

  • Linux -> CentOS 64-bit/Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 64-bit
  • Microsoft Windows -> Windows 10 x64

Chose Firmware Type -> UEFI

Create a new virtual disk.

The disk size is 60 GB but can be changed later.

Continue -> Customize Settings.

This will open a dialog that can be used to chose the name of the VM bundle and the location where it will be saved.

If this is the first VM being created on this host, create a new directory for images, offline: ~/VMWare Fusion VMs/


Choose an appropriate name and save it in that directory. The appropriate name in the library is usually more specific than the one suggested by Fusion.


Processor & Memory

Advanced Options

"Enable hypervisor application in this virtual machine" - OK

"Enable code profiling application in this virtual machine" - don't, causes a BIOS error.

"Enable IOMMU in this virtual machine" OK

Hard Disk

The default. name is "Virtual Disk.vmdk". How to choose a different disk name at creation?

This is where the size can be adjusted.

Bus type: SCSI

Split into multiple files.


Settings -> CD/DVD (IDE) -> Choose a disk or a disk image. The .iso image should be downloaded from the vendor, as described below in the "OS Install" section.

Make sure "Connect CD/DVD Drive" is selected.

Startup disk: CD/DVD.

OS Install