Gradle Variables and Properties

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Configuration scripts can declare variables during the initialization and configuration phases, and the values of those variables can be accessed and updated during the execution phase and used to drive build logic. There are two types of variables that can be declared: local variables and extra properties.

Properties can be displayed with:

gradle properties

The command displays project properties, and the properties added by various plugins.

Local Variables

Local variables, which are a feature of the underlying Groovy language, are declared with the "def" keyword. They are only visible in the scope where they have been declared.

def myVariable = "something"
println myVariable

Extra Properties

An extra property is a property that can be declared on most model object instances available to the closure being executed. In case of a settings script, the available model objects are Settings, Gradle, ProjectDescriptor, etc., but of those ProjectDescriptor does not allow defining extra properties, and Settings, even if allows defining extra properties, cannot be easily accessed at configuration and execution phase, so the best candidate for defining extra properties is Gradle. For build scripts, extra properties can be defined on any available object model instances.

Declaring and Using Extra Properties

The extra properties are declared using the "ext" DSL keyword, applied to the model object we intend to declare extra properties for. However, "ext" is not necessary to access the property once declared, as shown in the examples below:

Initialization Phase

The property is defined in settings.gradle:

gradle.ext.color = "blue"

The property can be accessed anywhere in a build or settings script:

println "gradle is $gradle.color"

At Configuration Phase

The property can be declared in a build script as follows:

project.ext.isApi = true

The property can be accessed anywhere in a build script:

println isApi

Declaring multiple extra properties in a closure:

ext {
    log4jVersion = "2.1.7"
    emailNotification = ""


Properties not defined in the build script are auto-delegating to the Project instance. For example:



are equivalent. Normally, using "name" is sufficient. In case you define a property or a method which has the same name as a member of the Project object, you will need to use the project property.

Predefined Properties

Project Coordinates


A String containing the name of the project directory. It automatically becomes the project's name coordinate. See Gradle Project Coordinates.


See Gradle Project Coordinates - Group.


See Gradle Project Coordinates - Version.


Other Properties


The Project instance.


The File instance corresponding to the directory containing the build script.


A String containing the absolute path of the project. The path of the root project is ":"


A String containing the description for the project.



A File representing <projectDir>/build.






Plugin Properties

Plugins add specific properties. For a list of properties added by various plugins, consult the plugin pages.