JPA Attribute Converter

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An attribute converter allows the developer to specify methods to convert between the database and the Java representation of an attribute. Attribute conversion was introduced in JPA 2.1. All entity class. mapped superclass or embeddable class attributes can be type-converted, with the following exceptions:

  • identity attributes
  • version attributes
  • relationship attributes
  • attributes annotated as @Temporal or @Enumerated.

Playground Example

Programming Model

@Convert Annotation

Annotate the entity fields to be converter with @javax.persistence.Convert:

@Convert(converter = PayloadConverter.class)
private Payload payload;

The Converter Class

Provide a converter class, which must implement AttributeConverter<Entity-Field-Type, Database-Type> and be annotated with @javax.persistence.Converter:

public class PayloadConverter implements AttributeConverter<Payload, String> {

  public String convertToDatabaseColumn(Payload attribute) {

  public Payload convertToEntityAttribute(String dbData) {