WildFly HornetQ-Based Messaging Subsystem Persistence Configuration

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HornetQ Data Directories

The configuration allows the possibility of creating the HornetQ bindings and journal data directories at startup, if they do not already exist. This configuration could be useful in "experimental" mode when one deletes and recreates HornetQ data files for whatever reason, and probably not that useful in production. If the directories exist, they are not re-created, so the "create" options can be left in place, even in a production configuration. However, there is another set of directories (large messages and paging) that will be created automatically if they don’t exist, in absence of any explicit configuration option. For production, it’s probably best if the directories are created manually as part of the installation procedure, and "create-*" options are removed from configuration.

Message Journal Configuration

For more persistence concepts see:

HornetQ Message Journal Concepts

Bindings Journal Configuration

For more persistence concepts see:

HornetQ Bindings Journal Concepts

JMS Journal Configuration

For more persistence concepts see:

HornetQ JMS Journal Concepts