Bamboo Operations

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Plan Operations

Create a Plan

A plan can be created and configured any time after creation of the enclosing the project:

Projects -> the project in question -> Select the Plan -> Actions drop down -> Configure plan.

Configuration options when creating the plan:

  • Project
  • Plan name
  • Plan key
  • Plan description
  • Plan access - allow all users to view this plan
  • Link repository to new build plan. The repository can be specified during the plan creation process, or later.
    • Repository Host

Repository Operations

To add a repository to a plan:

Project -> Plan -> Actions: Configure plan -> "Repositories" tab -> Add Repository -> Git repository (NOT GitHub, which won't allow SSH authentication) -> Name: up.plat-svc.cryptm, Repository URL:, Authentication type: SSH private key -> Use shared credentials, shared credentials: Github Bamboo User SSH, Branch develop -> Test Connection -> Save Repository.