- http://springfox.github.io/springfox/
- http://springfox.github.io/springfox/docs/current/
- https://github.com/springfox/springfox
Springfox is a suite of Java libraries for automating the generation of machine and human readable specification for JSON APIs written with Spring Framework. Springfox works by examining an application, once, at runtime to infer API semantics based on Spring configurations, class structure and various compile time java annotations.
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation "io.springfox:springfox-swagger2:2.9.2"
Essential Classes
springfox.documentation.spring.web.plugins.Docket: the primary API configuration mechanism.
ApiSelectorBuilder provides fine grained control over the endpoints exposed via swagger.
Security Schemas
The following security schemas are available to protect the API:
- ApiKey
- BasicAuth
- OAuth
Non-reachable Model
A model that should be described in the generated specification but is not explicitly used in any operation.
Generating Swagger/OpenAPI Specification from Spring Code with Springfox
General Considerations
How is the artifact generated? Where?
Generating the Swagger Specification
At this point, only the "io.springfox:springfox-swagger2" dependency is needed. This dependency contains all the functionality Springfox needs to generate the specification in the JSON format.
There are two essential code changes:
1. Annotate the Spring Boot application class, or a Configuration with @EnableSwagger2.
2. Expose a configured Docket instance as a bean.
If these two elements are present, the Spring application will generate its JSON-formatted. Swagger2 specification while invoked as: http://localhost:8080/v2/api-docs
UI Support
dependencies {
implementation 'io.springfox:springfox-swagger-ui:2.9.2'