CloudFormer is a template creation tool that creates an AWS CloudFormation template from existing AWS resources. CloudFormer is itself an "AWS application", comprising a set of AWS resources deployed as a CloudFormation stack. Among these resources, there is a new EC2 instance:
CloudFormer Deployment
CloudFormation -> Create stack -> Use a sample template -> Select the sample template from the drop-down box -> CloudFormer -> Next
Stack Name: cloudformer-for-apigateway
Username: some random username, "cloudformer" is good.
Password: some random password
After the stack is fully deployed, the underlying application can be accessed with the username and the password specified above.
VPC Selection: CreateNewVPC -> Next -> I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources -> Create Stack.
After the stack creation is complete, the URL to use to access the application is available as stack Outputs -> CustomVPCWebsiteURL
CloudFormer Removal
Remove the stack that created it. It will remove all created resources.
CloudFormer Usage
Copy and paste in a browser the URL exposed as "CustomVPCWebsiteURL" stack Output. The front page is similar to:
Create Template -> Analyzing your Account.
Template Description
Resource Name Filter or "Select all resources"
There is a wizard giving the choice to select individual resources.