Bash Processing of Command Line Parameters that Include Spaces
This page documents coding patterns to be used when some of the command line parameters need to be processed in the wrapper shell script, and the rest of the parameters, some of which may include spaces, are passed unchanged to the target process. The page documents two approaches: one for the situation when the command line argument processing and invocation of the target process command happen in the same function, and the second suitable for the situation when the processing is to be encapsulated in its own function. Naturally, the second is more complex, but suitable for libraries.
Same-Function Parameter Handling
The pattern uses a special separator character, that is injected between the arguments to be forwarded to the lower layer, followed by the recreation of the command line with set.
The pattern handles consistently both double-quote enclosed and single-quote encloses command line arguments that contain spaces.
# ...
local args
local separator=$'\x1f' # US - unit separator
while [[ -n "$1" ]]; do
if [[ "$1" = "..." ]]; then
# process arguments that make sense at this layer
echo "processing $1 at this level ..."
# ...
# ... and accumulate the rest of the arguments, separated by the special separator character
[[ -z "${args}" ]] && args="$1" || args="${args}${separator}$1"
# re-assemble the command line, by re-initializing the positional parameters, and pass it to the underlying process
set - ${args}
IFS="$(printf ' \t\n')" # restore the standard separators
# Use "$@" built-in variable, which encloses each positional parameter in its own set of double quotes
java -cp ... io.novaordis.playground.Main "$@"
Note that the command can be debugged as follows:
local command_prefix="java -cp ... io.novaordis.playground.Main"
debug ${command_prefix} "$@"
${command_prefix} "$@"