Go Concepts - Functions

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Function Definition

A function declaration starts with the func keyword and it consists in a series of statements applied on a number of inputs, resulting in a number of outputs. Same inputs will always result in the same outputs. Function do not depend on a type instance's state. From this perspective, functions are conceptually different from methods.


func <name>(
    [parameter-identifier1] [type1], [parameter-identifier2] [type2], ...) 
    [(<return-type1>, [return-type2], ...)] {

   // function's body

   return <return-value1>, <return-value2>

The return type declarations are optional, if the function does not return anything.

A function may return one or more results.


func add(a int, b int) (int) {
   return a + b;

Function Literals

The main() Function

Compiling an Executable

Built-in Functions

The built-in functions are available by default, without the need to import any package. They are what the specification calls pre-defined function identifiers. Their semantics depends on the arguments.

Conversion between Types

Conversion between types look like functions, see Conversion between Types.


Anonymous function that capture local variables.

More about closures is available here.


A method defines the behavior of a type, and it relies on the state of an instance of the type. The method will - and it is supposed to - change the state. From this point of view, the method is conceptually different from a function.

A method is always exported by the package it is enclosed in.


func <receiver> <method-name> (...) {

    // the rest of declaration is similar to a function's

Difference between Functions and Methods


Value Receivers

Pointer Receivers