Sed Regular Expressions

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Revision as of 04:33, 5 January 2021 by Ovidiu (talk | contribs) (→‎Grouping)
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Meta-Characters - Special Characters (need to be escaped in regular expressions)

$ # unescaped signifies end of line 
^ # unescaped signifies the beginning of a line
* # zero or more
. # dot

Single quote is a special case, to match it use its ASCII hexadecimal value prefixed by \x as follows, instead of escaping it:


To use () for grouping, they need to be escaped:


More details in Grouping below.

Non-Special Characters (do not need to be escaped in regular expressions)

+ # this is interesting, I thought '+' is a meta-character, more experimentation necessary.


Use \( and \) for grouping. Parentheses must be escaped to be interpreted as grouping separator.


Match everything except the specified characters:



Match everything except space:

     [^ ]*

seems to work too.

Words (digits, alpha, _):

sed -e 's/[0-9a-zA-Z_]*/THIS_WAS_A_WORD/g'

Blank spaces (spaces, tabs, newlines): \s does not seem to work.

Regular Expression Syntax

TO NORMALIZE across java Regular Expression Syntax, grep Regular Expression Syntax, sed Regular Expression Syntax.