IntelliJ Concepts

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A project is a directory that keeps everything that makes up the application. A typical project has a set of settings and one or several modules. The project provides a mechanism to express dependencies between modules and stores modules' shared configuration.

.idea Directory

The .idea directory is used by IntelliJ to store project settings metadata, and it is collocated with the project. It lives by default under the project's root. It contains the following directories and files:

User-Specific Settings


Stores user-specific settings.


User Dictionaries

Maintained in .idea/dictionaries/username.xml.



In IDEA 13 or earlier, datasources.xml contains user passwords.


All XML files under .idea/libraries will be generated by the Gradle or the Maven project.


Gradle settings.



The file declares the "ProjectRootManager" component. For a Java project, the component which defines the Project SDK, which is a JDK, as reflected in the project-jdk-type element, and the languageLevel:

<project version="4">
  <component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" languageLevel="JDK_1_8" project-jdk-name="corretto-11" project-jdk-type="JavaSDK"/>

What to Share in a SVC System

These are some recommendations on what to share and what not to share in a SVC system. The article applies to Git, but the rules are generally valid:

Git and IntelliJ IDEA

Project Settings

The project settings apply to the current project. They are stored together with other project files in the .idea directory in an XML format. Project settings are VCS settings, SDKs, code style, spellchecker settings, compiler output, libraries. All these setting are available to all the modules of the project.

A project has just one Project SDK that is initially the default SDK for all modules. However, module-specific SDKs can be configured.



A module is a logical group of source code and resources within a project.

The module has an .iml file that keeps the internal representation of the module settings. The module is also associated with a module content root directory, which stores the source code, tests and resources. The .iml file and the module content root are not tied, they can exists in different locations on the file system.

.iml File

The .iml file keeps the internal representation of the module settings.

Module Settings

Module settings apply only to one module and they are stored in the module's .iml file.

As part of its settings, a module declares the Module SDK. By default, the module SDK is the same as the Project SDK, but the module may choose a Module SDK and a language level that are different from those configured for the enclosing project. A module can also have its own libraries. A module can also carry a specific technology or framework.


Grouping Modules


There are three type of settings in IntelliJ IDEA: module settings, project settings and global settings.

Global Settings

Global settings apply to all projects of a specific installation of IntelliJ IDEA. Such settings include IDE appearance, themes, color schemes, the set of installed and enabled plugins, debugger settings, global inspection profile, list of Global SDKs, etc. On Mac, the global settings are maintained in ~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2021.1 (adjust for IntelliJ version).

UI access to global settings is done through IntelliJ IDEA → Preferences. Settings that are NOT marked with the File:Icons.general.projectConfigurable.svg are global


Tutorial: Java Debugging Deep Dive

Suspending Only One Thread, and Not All

Right-click on the breakpoint → Suspend → Thread

Optional: Make Default.


A SDK (Software Development Kit) is a collection of tools needed to develop application for a specific software framework. An SDK contains binaries, source code for the binaries, documentation and, in Java's case, annotations. For Java, a JDK (Java Development Kit) is needed.

SDK Hierarchy

Global SDKs

In general, an SDK is global, meaning that one SDK configured on the IntelliJ instance can be used in multiple projects and modules. Even if the SDKs are global, the access to the global SDKs is done via a projects: File → Project Structure → Platform Settings → SDKs. The available SDKs are listed there. The list of Global SDKs per IntelliJ installation is stored in ~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2021.1/options/jdk.table.xml (path should be adjusted for a specific IntelliJ version). Note that the file is incorrectly named "jdk.*", the file contains the list of all SDKs available to the IntelliJ installation (Python, etc.)

To add a global SDK, the same project interface should be used. The SDK is added by clicking "+".

Project SDK

A project has one SDK (the "Project SDK"), which is part of the Project Settings. The Project SDK can be found at File → Project Structure → Project Settings → Project → Project SDK. The UI provides controls that allow associating a Global SDK with the project: the SDK can be then chosen from a list of global SDKs. The project SDK is the default SDK for all modules, but module-specific SDKs can then be configured on a module-by-module basis.

The Project SDK definition is maintained in the project's .idea directory, in the misc.xml file.

Module SDK

By default, the modules of a project inherit the project SDK. Individual modules can be configured to use different SDKs with File → Project Structure → Project Settings → Modules → Select a module → Dependencies → Module SDK.




The top-level cache directory: /Users/ovidiu/Library/Caches/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2021.1.

Cache Types

Project Cache

Workspace Cache

External Build System Cache

Compiler Cache

Compile Server Cache

Cache Invalidation

Main Menu → File → Invalidate Caches...

Local History

Maintained on disk in /Users/ovidiu/Library/Caches/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2021.1/LocalHistory.