Mockito Programming Model

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import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import com.example.ExternalDependency;

public class SomeClassTest {

  private ExternalDependency mockExternalDependency;

  public void setUp() {
    mockExternalDependency = mock(ExternalDependency.class);

  public void someTest() throws Exception {


import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
import com.example.ExternalDependency;

public class SomeClassTest {

  private AutoCloseable mocks;

  private ExternalDependency mockExternalDependency;

  public void openMocks() {
    mocks = MockitoAnnotations.openMocks(this);

  public void releaseMocks() throws Exception {

  public void someTest() throws Exception {

Stub Functionality

A stub returns synthetic responses or throws exceptions when its methods are invoked. Mockito supports stubbing and by returning a given value when a specific method of the managed test double is called. Mockito implements the stub functionality with Mockito.when(<method>).thenReturn(...) pattern:

public class ExternalDependency {
  public String someMethod() {
public class SomeClassTest {

  private ExternalDependency mockExternalDependency;

  public void someTest() throws Exception {
    Mockito.when(mockExternalDependency.someMethod()).thenReturn("some synthetic result");

The when() configures the method(s) to stub, or the trigger action. The then*() methods specify what to do when the trigger is activated. The options are:

  • thenReturn(...): returns the given value. It has several variants:
    • thenReturn(value): return the same value every time.
    • thenReturn(value1, value2, value3, ...): return the first value on first invocation, second value on the second invocation, etc. The equivalent is: thenReturn(value1).thenReturn(value2).thenReturn(value3). ...
  • thenThrow(): throws the given exception.
  • thenAnswer(Answer answer): execute custom logic and compute a value to return. This turns the stub object into a fake.
  • thenCallRealMethod(). Delegates the invocation to the real external dependency.

Argument Matcher

public class ExternalDependency {
  public String someMethodWithArg(String s) {
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.isA;

Why is isA() needed, why not provide the class, directly?