New Mac

From NovaOrdis Knowledge Base
Revision as of 03:12, 11 September 2021 by Ovidiu (talk | contribs) (→‎Procedure)
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  • Install the latest O/S: Re-install the OS
  • Set the computer name: Mac Hostname Configuration.
  • Set mouse speed.
  • Establish connection to iCloud and restore the iCloud Drive access. Check availability to:
    • iCloud Drive
    • Contacts
  • Set the background to black and add four virtual desktops.
  • Move the dock to the left of the screen.
  • Add the SSH identity from storage as .ssh/id_rsa. Then:
chmod -R go-rwx ~/.ssh
  • Configure Finder:
    • Finder → Preferences → Sidebar: Add "ovidiu"
    • Finder → Preferences → General: New Finder windows show: "ovidiu"
  • Power Settings: System Preferences → Battery → Power Adapter → Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off.
  • Install brew.
  • Install rsync with brew.
  • Install software manually:
    • Microsoft Office. Make sure it sees Garamond.
    • VMware Fusion. After installation, before creating a VM from scratch, attempt opening the existing virtual machine from ~/VMware Fusion VMs/Windows 10 x64.vmwarevm by double-clicking it. VMware Fusion should offer to upgrade it. Specify that you "moved it".
    • Firefox (may be automated)
  • Install IntelliJ Ultimate and provide the license. Also see: IntelliJ Configuration.
  • From a terminal, clone shell-tools. git may prompt for the installation of developer tools.
git clone
  • Check ~/shell-tools/mac-setup and continue the configuration from there:
cd shell-tools