Infrastructure Concepts

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In a cloud environment, infrastructure, as viewed by the user, is no longer represented by hardware, but by virtual constructs like servers, subnets and block devices. The hardware still exists, but infrastructure elements accessible to users "float" across it, can be manipulated by the infrastructure platform APIs and can be created, duplicated, changed and destroyed at will. They are referred to as infrastructure resources. Infrastructure resources can be instantiated, changed and destroyed by infrastructure as code to provide the infrastructure foundation for application runtimes and applications.


Applications and services provide domain-specific capabilities to organizations and users. They exist in the form of application packages, container instances or serverless code. The underlying layers (application runtime, infrastructure platform) exist to enable this layer. Applications can be directly offered to users as part of a cloud service delivery model, under the generic name of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). The users do not need to manage anything, but they also do not control anything, including the design of the application. This works well, unless the customer needs functionality that is not available in the application. Examples: Intuit Quickbooks, batch services based on Spark, aimed at data scientists,, etc.

Application Runtime

The application runtime layer provides application runtime services and capabilities to the application layer. It consists of container clusters, serverless execution environments, application servers, messaging systems, databases and operating systems. Services like databases can be considered application runtime services, belonging to the application runtime layer, but at the same time, they can be seen as composite resources exposed by the infrastructure platform: an application runtime is laid upon the infrastructure platform layer and it is assembled from infrastructure resources. This layer is also referred to as Platform as a Service (PaaS) or "cloud application platform" and can be exposed directly to users, as it is the case for EKS, AKS, OpenShift, GKS, etc.


Infrastructure Platform

An infrastructure platform is a set of infrastructure resources and the tools and services that manage them. The infrastructure platform lets its users to provision compute, storage, networking and other infrastructure resources on which they can run operating systems and applications. Service like Databases can be categorized as application runtime services belonging to the application runtime layer, or as composite resources exposed by the infrastructure platforms. The infrastructure resources are managed dynamically via an API, which is a definitely characteristic of a cloud. This is also the essential element that allows expressing the resources as code. The infrastructure platform abstracts out the hardware and the virtualization layers. The service users do not control the underlying hardware resources except select networking configuration or perhaps the physical location of the resources at gross geographical level. On the other hand, they control - but they must install and manage - the operating system, the middleware and the application code. Infrastructure as a service is targeted at teams that are building out infrastructure. The infrastructure platforms are also known as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Examples of public cloud platforms: AWS, Azure, GCP, Oracle Cloud. Example of private cloud platforms: OpenStack, VMware vCloud.

Infrastructure Resources

There are three essential resources provided by an infrastructure platform: compute, network and storage. Some times these resources are referred to as "primitives". An infrastructure platform abstracts infrastructure resources from physical hardware. Infrastructure resources are assembled to provide application runtime instances. Infrastructure resources can be expressed as code and grouped in stacks.


A compute resource executes code. In essence, any compute resource is backed by physical server CPU cores, but the infrastructure platform exposes then in more useful ways: physical servers, virtual machines, server clusters, containers, application hosting clusters and serverless runtimes.

Physical Servers

The infrastructure may provision and expose physical servers on demand. These are also called "bare metal".

Virtual Machines

The virtual machines are exposed by hypervisors that run in top of a pool of physical servers, managed by the infrastructure platform.

Server Clusters

A server cluster is a pool of server instances, either virtual machines or physical servers, that the infrastructure platform provisions and manages as a group. These are called auto-scaling groups on AWS, Azure virtual machine scale sets on Azure and Google managed instance groups on GCP.


Some infrastructure platforms offer Container as a Service infrastructure, which allows deploying and running container instances.

Container Clusters


  • Network address block (VPC in AWS).
  • VLAN (Subnet in AWS)


Composite Resources

Cloud platforms combined primitive infrastructure resources into composite resources. The line between a primitive resource and a composite resource is arbitrary, as is the line between a composite infrastructure resource and an application runtime service.

Database as a Service

Load Balancing


Identity Management

Secrets Management

Infrastructure Services


NIST cloud definition:

Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This cloud model promotes availability and is composed of five essential characteristics (On-demand self-service, Broad network access, Resource pooling, Rapid elasticity, Measured Service); three service models (Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS), Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS), Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)); and, four deployment models (Private cloud, Community cloud, Public cloud, Hybrid cloud). Key enabling technologies include: (1) fast wide-area networks, (2) powerful, inexpensive server computers, and (3) high-performance virtualization for commodity hardware.

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid cloud means hosting applications and services for a system across both private infrastructure and a public cloud service. This is required for legacy services that can't be migrated to public cloud or for legal reasons, where data must reside in countries the public cloud provider does not have a presence in.

Cloud Agnostic

Systems that can run on multiple public cloud platforms. This is done to avoid lock-in to one vendor, but in practice this results in lock-in to software that promises to hide difference between clouds.


Running an application or service on more than one public cloud platform.




Cluster as code.


Serverless Execution Environment

Configuration Drift

Configuration drift is variation that happens over time across systems that were once identical. Manually making changes in configuration (performance optimizations, permissions, fixes), even if the base was laid down by automation, causes configuration drift. Selectively using automation on some of the initially identical systems, but not on others, also causes configuration drift. This is how snowflake systems come into existence. Also see Minimize Variation. Once manually-introduced configuration drift occurs, the trust in automation goes down, because people are not sure how an automation will modify a manually-changed system. Interestingly, manual configuration creeps in because the automation is not run frequently and consistently, leading to a vicious circle. To avoid this spiral, make everything reproducible automatically and consistently run automation. Operational automation combined with good monitoring exposes configuration drift.


Lightweight Architectural Governance

Lightweight architectural governance aims to balance autonomy and centralized control. More in EDGE: Value-Driven Digital Transformation by Jim Robert Highsmith, Linda Luu, David Robinson and the The Goldilocks zone of lightweight architectural governance Jonny LeRoy talk.


  • Integration points