Maven Repository-Based JBoss IntelliJ Investigation Environment

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This article describes the procedure to create an IntelliJ project whose modules contain JBoss EAP source code and that can later be imported within other IntelliJ projects to help with debugging code running within JBoss - including the JBoss parts.

Create Reference Modules

Get the Maven repository corresponding to the JBoss instance you intent do debug.

Come up with a solution when the target version is 6.4.4, for example, but the Maven repository corresponds to 6.4.0. The repository won't probably capture subsequent patches.

Unzip the Maven repository into ~/projects/eap7/beta/jboss-eap-7.0.0.Beta1-maven-repository. Alternatively, EAP 6.4.0 gets unzipped into ~/projects/eap6.4/6.4.0/jboss-eap-6.4.0.GA-maven-repository.

Create an empty IntelliJ project rooted in the Maven repository directory /Users/ovidiu/projects/eap7/beta/jboss-eap-7.0.0.Beta1-maven-repository/maven-repository.

Use the Project Name "EAP 7.0.0.Beta1 Maven Repository" but restore the project location to "maven-repository", if necessary,

Project format: .idea (directory based).

Add a "More Settings" "Root Module" with the content root directory pointing to the same directory as the project.

Add a Module per Subsystem

Add a module. New -> Module -> Java

Name: EAP 7.0 Beta Undertow

Content root: /Users/ovidiu/projects/eap7/beta/jboss-eap-7.0.0.Beta1-maven-repository/maven-repository/modules/EAP 7.0 Beta Undertow

Use the same value for module file location.

Open Module Settings -> Dependencies tab.

+ -> Library -> Java -> ... io/undertow/undertow-core/1.3.7-Final-redhat-1/*.jar

Level: Module Library

+ -> the source JAR.

Scope: Provided.

Export: yes.

Add More Content to a Reference Module

Open the reference IntelliJ project -> navigate to the module in question -> Dependencies -> + -> Library -> Java

then follow the same procedure as for Create Reference Modules.

It is important to follow the same procedure and be careful to settings (such as Level, etc), otherwise you could end up with broken modules.

You can add new libraries to a Module that is currently open in a different project, but in order to see the changes, you will need to close and re-open the dependent project.

Import a Module in Your Project

File -> Project Structure -> Modules -> + -> Import Module.