Managing Datadog with Pulumi

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Datadog SDK Internal

Datadog Resource Provider

The Datadog resource provider is an implementation of Pulumi resource provider aimed at allowing Pulumi to provision infrastructure on a Datadog backend. The latest version of the Python implementation is available here:

Datadog SDK Installation

pip install pulumi_datadog


The following environment variables are required: DATADOG_API_KEY and DATADOG_APP_KEY. The alternative to using environment variable is to use Pulumi stack configuration:

pulumi config set datadog:apiKey XXXXXXXXXXXXXX --secret
pulumi config set datadog:appKey YYYYYYYYYYYYYY --secret

Optionally, the API URL can be specified with DATADOG_HOST. If not specified, the default is "". If no DATADOG_HOST is specified, the correct account selection is done based on the API key value.

Project Template

├─ .gitignore
├─ Pulumi.yaml
├─ requirements.txt
