IntelliJ IDEA Plugin for Spring Boot

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The Spring Boot IntelliJ IDEA plugin uses Spring Initializr API to generate Spring Boot projects.


In IntelliJ 2021.2.1, the Spring Boot plugin is bundled and installed by default. Go to the plugin list and search for "Spring Boot".


Create a New Spring Boot Project with Spring Initializr

This procedure is used by

Writing a REST Service with Spring Boot

Splash screen -> Create New Project -> Spring Initializr (note to not chose "Spring", but "Spring Initializr")

This procedure works even if the project was partially initialized before.

Name: The human-name for the project.

Location: Choose the root directory of the project. You can use a partially-initialized project, you'll get a warning (Directory is not empty).

Language: Java

Type: Gradle

Group: playground.smoke

Artifact: smoke

Package Name: Autogenerated based on group, including the artifact name, you may want to modify: playground.smoke

Project SDK

Java: 11

Packaging: Jar

Choose Initializr Service URL → Default → Next

Spring Boot version.


Different dependencies are required for different types of projects. See:

Project name:

Project location:

The result is similar to:


Generated build.gradle:


Generated settings.gradle:


Also see:

Spring Initializr Projecte Structure