Tekton Operations

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Tekton Pipelines

Tekton Pipelines Installation

kubectl apply -f https://storage.googleapis.com/tekton-releases/pipeline/latest/release.yaml
kubectl get pods -n tekton-pipelines --watch

The installation will create a tekton-pipelines namespace.

Tekton CLI

Tekton CLI Installation

brew tap tektoncd/tools
brew install tektoncd/tools/tektoncd-cli

Domain Model Operations

Task Operations

List Tasks

tkn t list

# Corresponding low level command
kubectl [-n <namespace-name>] get tasks

TaskRun Operations

List TaskRuns

tkn tr list

# Corresponding low level command
kubectl [-n <namespace-name>] get taskruns

Display Execution Log of a TaskRun

kubectl [-n <namespace-name>] logs --selector=tekton.dev/taskRun=<taskrun-name>

Cancel TaskRun

TO PROCESS: https://tekton.dev/docs/pipelines/taskruns/#cancelling-a-taskrun

Pipeline Operations

PipelineRun Operations

List PipelineRuns

tkn [-n <namespace-name>] p list

# Corresponding low level command
kubectl [-n <namespace-name>] get pipelineruns

Display Execution Log of a TaskRun

tkn [-n <namespace-name>] pr logs <pipelinerun-name>

# Corresponding low level command
kubectl [-n <namespace-name>] logs --selector=tekton.dev/pipelineRun=<pipelinerun-name>

Delete PipelineRuns

tkn pr delete <pipeline-run-name>|--all

Deleting a PipelineRun deletes associated TaskRuns.

Troubleshooting and Debugging