Amazon ECS Operations: Difference between revisions

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The tag should coincide with the name of the cluster the image will be deployed into.
The tag should coincide with the name of the cluster the image will be deployed into.
Memory Limits (MiB): Hard Limit 4096
Port Mappings: 10001 (tcp)
{{Warn|Host port mappings are not valid when the network mode for a task definition is host or awsvpc. To specify different host and container port mappings, choose the Bridge network mode.}}
Advanced container configuration
CPU Units: 2048
Essential: If the essential parameter of a container is marked as true, the failure of that container will stop the task.
Entry point:
Working directory:
Environment variables:
Key: SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE Value: playground
Network Settings:
Storage and Logging:
Read only root file system
Mount points:
Volumes from:
Log configuration: Select "Auto-configure CloudWatch Logs"
awslogs-group: /up/playground-themyscira
awslogs-region: us-west-2
awslogs-stream-prefix: playground

=Create a Service=
=Create a Service=

Revision as of 06:39, 6 February 2019




Create a Cluster

Create a Cluster - Reference

Amazon ECS -> Clusters -> Create Cluster

Networking only (Fargate)

Cluster Name


Create VPC

CIDR block

Subnet 1:

Delete Subnet 2.

It will create:

  • ECS cluster
  • CloudFormation Stack
  • VPC
  • Subnet 1
  • Subnet 1 route table association
  • VPC Availability Zones
  • Internet gateway
  • Route table
  • Amazon EC2 route
  • Virtual private gateway attachment

Create a Task Definition

Create a Task Definition - Reference

Amazon ECS -> Task Definitions -> Create a New Task Definition -> FARGATE -> Next Step

Task Definition Name: playground-themyscira

Requires Compatibilities: FARGATE

Task Role:

Create an IAM Task Role

After the task role is correctly created, it should show up in the "Task Role" drop-down box.

Network Mode: awsvpc

Task execution IAM role - this is the role that authorizes Amazon ECS to pull private images and publish logs for the task. This takes the place of the EC2 Instance role when running tasks:

Create an IAM Task Execution Role

After the task role is correctly created, it should show up in the "Task execution role" drop-down box. If it does not show up, refresh the page.

Task size:

Task memory (GB): 4GB

Task CPU (vCPU): 2 vCPU

Container Definitions: Add Container

Container name: playground-themyscira


If the repository does not exist, create it:

Amazon ECR Operations - Create Repository

The tag should coincide with the name of the cluster the image will be deployed into.

Memory Limits (MiB): Hard Limit 4096

Port Mappings: 10001 (tcp)

Host port mappings are not valid when the network mode for a task definition is host or awsvpc. To specify different host and container port mappings, choose the Bridge network mode.

Advanced container configuration



CPU Units: 2048

Essential: If the essential parameter of a container is marked as true, the failure of that container will stop the task.

Entry point:


Working directory:

Environment variables:

Key: SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE Value: playground

Network Settings:

Storage and Logging:

Read only root file system

Mount points:

Volumes from:

Log configuration: Select "Auto-configure CloudWatch Logs"


awslogs-group: /up/playground-themyscira

awslogs-region: us-west-2

awslogs-stream-prefix: playground

Create a Service

Must create at least a Task Definition first.

Clusters -> <Cluster Name> -> Services tab -> Create:

Launch Type: FARGATE

Task Definition: Family playground-