Amazon ECS Operations

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Create a Cluster

Create a Cluster - Reference

Amazon ECS -> Clusters -> Create Cluster

Networking only (Fargate)

Cluster Name


Create VPC

CIDR block

Subnet 1:

Delete Subnet 2.

It will create:

  • ECS cluster
  • CloudFormation Stack
  • VPC
  • Subnet 1
  • Subnet 1 route table association
  • VPC Availability Zones
  • Internet gateway
  • Route table
  • Amazon EC2 route
  • Virtual private gateway attachment

Create a Task Definition

Amazon ECS -> Task Definitions -> Create a New Task Definition -> FARGATE -> Next Step

Task Definition Name: playground-themyscira

Requires Compatibilities: FARGATE

Task Role: Nothing, not enough permissions to create a new role.

Create a Service

Must create at least a Task Definition first.

Clusters -> <Cluster Name> -> Services tab -> Create:

Launch Type: FARGATE

Task Definition: Family playground-