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awk handles a stream of text as a sequence of records. The default record separator is the new line, so by default each line is handled as a record. Each record is broken up into a sequence of fields. By default, the field separator is white space. An awk program consists in condition-action statements, that are applied to the records, as they are fed into awk. Each record is scanned for the condition, which can be a pattern, among other things, and for each condition that matches, the associated action is executed.

awk '<program>' <file-to-process>

The program is a succession of:

condition { action }


awk '{print $1}' ./sample.txt

For the above, the condition matches all records and the action prints out the first field. More details about the syntax are available in Program Structure.

The program can be specified in a separate text file, which is provided to awk by preceding the program file name with -f:

awk -f <program-file-name> <file-to-process>

Referring Fields

The fields are referred to with $<field-number> where field-number is 1-based: the first field in the record is $1.

Field Separator

The default field separator is white space. It can be changed either in command line or program.

Command line:

awk -F":" ....

In program:

awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} {print $1}' ...

Program Structure


Everything that follows a '#' is a comment. The '#' does not have to be on the first position in line.


condition { ... }


... { action }
