Bash Functions

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[function] function-name() {

The "function" keyword is optional.

If the function declaration is specified on a single line, then the final command of the function must be followed by a semicolon:

function one-liner() { echo "something"; echo "something else"; }

The function definition must precede the first call to it. Function bodies may not be empty.


The function does not declare its arguments in the signature. They are available in the function's body as $1, $2, etc.

Important: For more than 9 arguments, always refer to arguments using ${}: ${10} not $10. If you use $10, you'll actually get the first argument ($1) with a "0" appended to it.

The number of arguments, including the empty strings specified as "" when the function was invoked, may be obtained with $#.

The shift keyword "shifts" to the left the argument list, discarding $1 and assigning to $1 the value that was previously assigned to $2, to $2 the value that was previously assigned to $3, and so on. shift's exit code is 0 if there were still arguments to shift, 1 otherwise.

The correct way to iterate through a function's arguments, including the empty strings, is:

function my-function() {
    while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
        [ "$1" = "" ] && echo "got empty string" || echo "got $1"

Exit Status

A bash function does not return a value, it only allows to set an exit status, which is a numerical value. 0 indicates success and a non-zero value indicates failure. The exit status is declared with the "return" keyword:

 function f() {
    return 0

If there is no explicit "return" keyword, the function's exit status is the exit status of last executed statement.

The function's caller can retrieve the exist status with $?.

Returning Values

As mentioned above, functions do not return values. However, we may send content to stdout or stderr from the body of the function, and that content can be captured by the caller as follows:

 function callee() {
     echo "we send this to stdout"
     echo "we send this to stderr" 1>&2
 function caller() {
     local content
     echo "${content}"

Command substitution demonstrated above will capture the content that is being sent to stdout into the local variable "content". The content sent to stderr will be sent to the stderr of the executing shell.

Function Info


A function has a "FUNCNAME" built-in array, which is an array variable containing the names of all shell functions currently in the execution call stack. The element with index 0 is the name of any currently-executing shell function. The bottom-most element is "main". This variable exists only when a shell function is executing. Assignments to FUNCNAME have no effect and return an error status. If FUNCNAME is unset, it loses its special properties, even if it is subsequently reset.

The Name of the Function

The name of the function may be obtained inside the function with:


Recommended Style

# Function documentation 
# Returns to stdout: ...
# Returns to stderr: ...
function some-function() {

    local arg1=$1  # arg1 documentation
    local arg2=$2  # arg1 documentation

Executing a Function in Background