Go Concepts - The Type System

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Go is statically typed. Go designers tried to alleviate some of the "heaviness" associated with statically typed languages and made it "feel" like a dynamic language. For example Go uses local type inference, which eliminates the need to specify the type unnecessarily in program, the compiler figures it out.

Go is strongly typed meaning that yes cannot be unsafely coerced into other types they're not, or at least without programmer giving explicit permission. In JavaScript, for example, implicit conversion is done based on complicated rules that are not always easy to remember.

For more details on typing, see static typing vs. dynamic typing and strong typing vs. loose typing.

Go provides a hierarchy-free type system - there are no classes and no class inheritance. It is still an object-oriented language. Go type system encourages composition, where types are composed of smaller types.

Type Definition

Type Definition

Zero Value

Zero value for a specific type: 0 for ints, 0.0 for floats, "" for strings, false for Booleans and nil for pointers (0x0).

For reference types, their underlying data structures are initialized to their zero values, but variable declared as a reference type set to their zero values will return a value of nil. For example, the zero value for maps, slices and channels is nil.

Built-in Types

The built-in types are the set of types that are provided by the language. The definition of the following types can be found in $GO_HOME/src/builtin/builtin.go:



Floating-Point Numbers






Function Types

A function is member of a function type. The function type is defined by its signature:

func(input_param_type1, input_param_type2, ...) (return_type1, return_type2, ...)

Example of a function that requires an int and returns an int:

func(int) int
// a variable of type func(int) int is declared
var f func(int) int;

// the variable is initialized with an actual function
f = func(i int) int {
    return i + 1

Also see:

Function Literals

Pointer Types

A pointer type is declared using the dereference operator * placed in front of the target type - the type of the stored value:


We cannot do pointer arithmetic. Assuming ptr is a *int, we cannot do ptr + 1 (compilation error message: invalid operation: ptr + 1 (mismatched types *int and int)) and we can't do ptr + ptr2 (compilation error message: invalid operation: ptr + ptr2 (operator + not defined on pointer)).

For more details, see pointers.

User-Defined Types

The user-defined types are introduced by the type keyword. There are three kinds of user-defined types: 1) structs 2) type aliasing and 3) interfaces. Behavior can be added to structs and aliased types by the way of methods.


Type Aliasing


Declaring Multiple Types

type (

     A struct {
     B struct {


Conversion Between Types

In order to convert between types, the type name is used like a function:

var f float64 = 5.0
var i int = 5
result = f / float64(i)

This is equivalent with Java cast.

Note that the same syntax can be used to convert to and from user-defined types:

import "time"


var sleepSeconds int
sleepSeconds = 1

// time.Sleep expects a time.Duration do we convert time.Second to int, multiply and convert back to time.Duration
var duration time.Duration
duration = time.Duration(sleepSeconds * int(time.Second))

Also see:

Conversion between bytes and strings

Reference Types

The reference types in Go are slice, map, channel, interface and function.

When a variable of such a type is declared, the value that is created is called a header value. The header contains pointers to underlying data structures and a set of unique fields that are used to manage the underlying data structure.

These fields are are initialized by default to their zero values.

However, variable declared as a reference type set to their zero values will return a value of nil. Reference types: slices, maps, channels.

Primitive vs. Non-Primitive Nature

A type is said to have a primitive nature if adding or removing something from its value creates a new value. When passing values of these type to functions, a copy of the value should be passed. Integers, floats, booleans and strings are primitive data values.