Gradle Files Layout

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Revision as of 07:46, 28 March 2021 by Ovidiu (talk | contribs) (→‎Internal)
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├── usr/local/bin
│             └── gradle
├── /Users/someuser
│             └── .gradle 
│                     ├──
│                     └── caches
└── /projects
         └── someproject 
                 ├── build.gradle
                 ├── settings.gradle
                 ├── gradlew
                 ├── gradlew.bat
                 ├── .gradle
                 │       ├── 6.5
                 │       ├── buildOutputCleanup
                 │       ├── checksums
                 │       └── vcs-1
                 ├── gradle
                 │       └── wrapper
                 │              ├── gradle-wrapper.jar
                 │              └──
                 ├── build    
                 │    └── libs  
                 │          └── project-version.jar
                 └── src
                      ├── main 
                      │     ├── java ← main java source set directory
                      │     ├── bash
                      │     ├── groovy
                      │     ├── helm
                      │     └── resources
                      └── test 
                            ├── java ← test java source set directory
                            ├── bash
                            ├── groovy
                            ├── helm
                            └── resources

User Home Directory Files



Gradle Dependencies and Dependency Configurations | The Dependency Cache

Project Files


The directory contains various project-scoped caches generated by Gradle.


This directory contains the JAR file and configuration for Gradle wrapper. To tie a specific Gradle version to the project, it is reasonable to check in the gradle directory and its content into the source repository.