Jenkins Operations

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Jenkins Version

Manage Jenkins → About Jenkins

Best Practices

Running Jenkins as a Docker Container

Running Jenkins as a Docker Container


Writing a Jenkins Pipeline

Writing a Jenkins Pipeline

Manage Worker Nodes

Bring up a New Worker Node

Jenkins → Manage Jenkins → Manage Nodes

To bring up a new type of worker node, navigate to the bottom and use the "Provision with node-type" dropdown box.

Configure a New Worker Node Type

Jenkins → Manage Jenkins → Configure System

A node type is known as a "Cloud", so the configuration lives in the "Cloud" section.

The name of the worker type is technically the "name of the Jenkins could of agents".

We want an "Amazon EC2" type of cloud. The "Amazon EC2" could is capable launching multiple types of workers, based on different AMIs..

Load Statistics

Manage Jenkins → Load Statistics

For a specific type of executor:<yourlabelhere>/load-statistics